Laura De Palma, Italy
“Le opere di Patricia Saada Baumann sprigionano l’energia di terra, fuoco, aria ed acqua. Sono raggi di sole e tenebre ancestrali. Ammirandole, valichiamo liberi dune sconfinate o rimaniamo impigliati nel filo spinato delle prigioni della nostra anima. L’uomo è solo, solo in un deserto immoto; solo indossa le sue mille maschere, solo in un pianeta terra immemore di lui, sospeso in un universo azzurro, scintillante e vaporoso. Eppure, quest’uomo s’incarna in volti intensi e profondi; nella risata argentina di un bambino, nello sguardo interrogativo di una ragazza velata, nel sonno immemore di un neonato, nei dipinti tribali sul viso di un guerriero africano. Nelle opere di Patricia Saada Baumann, dunque, artista forte e fragile, vita e morte si amalgamano nel fluido divenire della creazione.”
“The works of Patricia Saada Baumann unleash the energy of earth, fire, air and water. They are rays of sunlight and ancestral darkness. Admiring them, we cross free the endless dunes or remain entangled in the barbed wire of the prison of our soul. Man is alone, alone in a motionless desert; alone he wears his thousand masks, alone on planet earth that is oblivious of him, suspended in an azure universe that is sparkling and misty. Yet, this man is incarnated in intense and profound faces; in the silvery laugh of a child, the questioning look of a veiled young girl, in the oblivious sleep of a newborn, in the tribal paint on the face of an African warrior. Therefore, in the works of Patricia Saada Baumann, a strong and fragile artist, life and death amalgamate in the fluidity of creation.”
Lucrezia Romano, Belgium
“Avec ces explosions de couleurs sur ses huiles, le trait sincère et franc de son crayon Patty ne pouvait pas mieux se révéler aux yeux de ceux qui sauront l’apprécier comme je l’apprécie moi depuis le début de notre amitié. Patrizia, je suis – une fois de plus – fière de toi, de ce que tu es toujours capable de réussir et d’atteindre avec ta modestie, ta passion et maintenant ton talent !!!! Merci de partager ces œuvres !”
“With these explosions of colour in her oil paintings, the sincere and honest line of her pencil Patty could not better reveal herself in the eyes of those who appreciate her as I have appreciated her since the beginning of our friendship. Patrizia, I am – once again – proud of you, of what you are always capable of achieving with your modesty, your passion and now your talent!!!! Thank you for sharing your art!”